
If you're reading this, you probably have a few questions for me.

Who am I?

That's probably the big one. Well, I'm going to avoid this question a bit. Maybe you could have guessed that by the title of the blog.


Did I guess your second question right? Well you're in luck on this one! There's a few reasons I'd like to hide behind the veil of my keyboard and screen. First, and probably most importantly, is that the things I plan on discussing in this blog probably wouldn't make my employer too happy. If you haven't guessed already, the "FI" part of the title stands for financial independence. Anyone familiar with the term should know that the end goal of being financially independent usually involves breaking the chains of the standard "9 to 5". I plan this blog to be my personal journal, a collection of my thoughts, plans, and experiences as I work towards a goal of eventually quitting my job, and becoming free to do as I please.

Another reason I'd prefer to remain anonymous in writing this blog is that I am generally a pretty private person. I share my passion of personal finance with others, but often don't get too far into disclosing any of my personal finances. I'll chat stocks with friends and coworkers, but as far as the details of my holdings balances, net worth, income, etc. - these types of things I like to keep to myself. I consider myself to be better off than most at my age, and much of it is attributed to my own frugal habits and consistent investing. However, not everyone understands that they have the power to control their financial position, and a lot of people tend to view others differently after finding out these types of things.

That being said, with the ability to remain anonymous, I plan to be totally transparent in this blog. I don't have any ulterior motive of trying to out-perform anyone, or keep my holdings a secret because I think I'm some stock-picking guru. *Spoiler Alert* I'm not. So if you were hoping this were a blog where you could learn the secret of picking the right stock at the right time, you're out of luck.

But, by me being transparent, you and I both can see what works for me, and what doesn't. I will add and update my personal financial statements, stock portfolio, and income information - all for everyone to see! I'm hoping this information can help others who might be thinking about embarking on a journey of financial independence, or just anyone who'd like to better visualize the effect that living frugally can have on your financial position.

Is it making a little more sense why I'd like to keep hidden behind the screen now? Onto one last question!

What is the point of this blog?

There are a few different reasons I'm starting this blog. First, I have a passion for personal finance, and I don't currently have an outlet to share all my thoughts and ideas. The thing is, not everyone likes talking about things such as saving, investing, and the like as much as I do. I don't want to get on my friends', family's, and coworkers' nerves by continually asking them things like, "are you actually serious about getting those finances on track?", or "what're your thoughts on real estate investing?", or "considering any new passive income ideas?". These are the types of things that put a lot of people to sleep - but not me. And I'm hoping this blog can act as an outlet to reach other people like me - people who actually want to learn/discuss those very questions that everyone else wants to avoid like the plague!

Another reason for starting this blog is that I want to keep a record of my progress toward my goal of financial independence. I currently keep monthly personal financial statements, and update a spreadsheet of my investments whenever I make a transaction or a company raises a dividend. But often, other metrics I track, such as my monthly/annual spending, will end up getting written down on a piece of hotel stationary and make its way into the trash can (more on that to come later on), never to be seen again. This way, I can always just scroll back through, and pull up whatever I need. Let's say I make a bad investment decision - I can find that post and figure out what I was thinking at the time.

Finally, I recently made a goal to start writing in 2019. I've always enjoyed writing when it was about something that interested me, but have never been great at it. I'm hoping this can help me hone the skill a bit. And so I had a little bit of free time and motivation this evening and thought, why wait til 2019?


So I know this welcome post may have been a bit long-winded, but if you stuck through it to the end, thank you. I hope you stick with me on this journey and share some comments. Feel free to let me know anything you like, don't like, or if you even just want to critique my writing style. I hope that you'll continue reading on the next post!

- FI Anon


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