June Financials and Comparison

Summer is in full force! The year is halfway over, and the weather is as crazy as ever here in the Midwest. The rain and flooding has quickly turned into summer heat, and the temperature has not been the only thing hot this month. That's right, the market has bounced back from it's latest slump, with the S&P 500 hitting new highs recently. June yielded nearly a 7% return on the S&P 500, and my portfolio definitely reaped the benefits, as we will see below!


I will keep the discussion pretty brief, as much of the increases in balances are due to timing, or the aforementioned broader market return.

The increase in cash this month is due mostly to timing, as my travel has again picked up for work, and I'm receiving expense reimbursements prior to my credit card bills coming due (which is a reason for the increase in my credit card debt as well).

I have had a bit of activity in my taxable investments in June, however, where I had initiated a new position in Tesla (~$215 at the time of purchase), and added to previously held positions in Abbvie (~$480 added) and International Paper (~$85 added), with this activity hitting my JP Morgan Brokerage balance.

In my retirement accounts, I had my standard 401k and HSA contributions, which amount to roughly 27% of my pretax income at this point, in addition to purchases of CVS (~$530) and VYM (~$700) in my Roth IRA. However, this money had already been contributed to the account during May, so the balance did not increase other than investment returns.

Other than the purchase activity noted above, the month was pretty standard for me. I continue to knock $1000 in principal off my home loan each month, and invest where I see potential value. The market treated me well this month, and my overall net worth increase was almost $17,000, or 7.58%. Those are some huge numbers, but we will see where this volatile market takes us during the second half of the year! In my eyes, every time prices start going down, it's an opportunity to pick up some great yields on some great companies!

How did the month of June treat you? And did you take advantage of any price drops before the market rebounded? I'd love to hear!


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